Sunday, May 6, 2012


Welcome to "Promoting Your Book". Ruth & I started this group on Facebook, but quickly realized that we were going to need a proper way to really get the word out about all the great authors we were getting to know through our group/page.

Ruth suggested we find some way to feature links to all these great people, their websites, blogs, and where people can buy their books. Blogspot came to mind, and I quickly found out that several of our members had some sort of Google account, which meant they could easily follow Blogger. Using a blog, we could also reach out to authors who are not on Facebook.

We particularly want to help authors, who, like ourselves, have self-published, but we're open to traditionally published authors as well, and authors who haven't made it all the way to publishing yet! We believe that everyone has good ideas and experiences to share about the writing and publishing process, and we'd like to bring those minds together.

In addition to finding new promotion ideas, you may also find someone with graphic design talent who can help you with the cover for your next book! Maybe a fellow editor is out there too.

I have been very impressed with the new authors who have friended me on Facebook, and I hope to read and review their work as soon as I can. This is also a way we can help each other, because it can be very difficult for new authors to garner enough reviews to really get noticed.

I hope that you will find what you need here, and if you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know!
